Explanation in desccription

What method i am thinking for this is to make a map and then store all elements with frequency.So when i choose ith element
I will have i*freq(i) points right? And then freq of i-1 and i+1 element will be set to 0.And after this?

hello @pranjalarora98
yeah u r on right track.
first store frequency in map say (freq) and then remove duplicates and then sort array after that.
dp[i] = max of( when include ith element or when exclude ith element ). considering only [0…i]

if u exlude ith element then dp[i-1]

if u include ith element then a[i] * freq[a[i]] +( dp[i-2] if a[i-1] +1 ==a[i]) otherwise
a[i]*freq[a[i]] + dp[i-1]

take max of both the cases

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