Explaination needed....?

Where should I optimise my code.
#define ll long long int
#define mod 1000000007
using namespace std ;

void segment_tree( vector &tree, ll ss , ll se , ll index)
//Base Case
if(ss == se)
string v = “0”;
tree[index] = v;
return ;

//Recursive Calls and Small calculation
ll mid = (ss + se)/2;

tree[index] = tree[2*index] + tree[2*index+1];
return ;


void range_update(vector &tree, char lazy[] ,char ch , ll l , ll r , ll ss , ll se , ll index )
if(lazy[index] != ‘.’)
for(ll i = 0 ; i <tree[index].size() ; i++)
tree[index][i] = lazy[index];
if(ss != se)
lazy[2index] = lazy[index];
index+1] = lazy[index];
lazy[index] = ‘.’;

if(ss > r || se < l)
	return ;

if(ss>= l && se <= r)
	for(ll i = 0 ; i <tree[index].size() ; i++)
		tree[index][i] = ch;
	if(ss != se)
		lazy[2*index] =ch;
		lazy[2*index+1] = ch;
	return ;

ll mid = (ss + se)/2;
range_update(tree, lazy ,ch ,  l ,  r ,  ss , mid , 2*index);
range_update(tree, lazy ,ch ,  l ,  r ,  mid+1 , se , 2*index+1);

tree[index] = tree[2*index] + tree[2*index+1];
return ;


string query(vector&tree, char lazy[] ,ll l,ll r,ll ss,ll se,ll index)
if(lazy[index] != ‘.’)
for(ll i = 0 ; i <tree[index].size() ; i++)
tree[index][i] = lazy[index];
if(ss != se)
lazy[2index] = lazy[index];
index+1] = lazy[index];
lazy[index] = ‘.’;
if(ss>r || se < l)
string v = “”;
return v ;

if(ss>= l && se <= r)
        string v = "" ;
       for(int i = 0 ; i < tree[index].size() ; i++)
       	char ch = tree[index][i];
       	v += ch ;
	   return v ;

int mid = (ss + se)/2;

string v1 = query(tree,lazy,l,r,ss,mid,2*index);
string v2 = query(tree,lazy,l,r,mid+1,se,2*index+1);

return v1 + v2 ;


int main()
ll n, q;

cin >> n >> q ;
vector<string > tree(4*n+1);

//Making segment tree

/*for(int i = 1 ; i <=5 ; i++)
	cout << i << "-> " << " ";
	for(int j = 0 ; j < tree[i].size() ; j++)
		cout << tree[i][j] << " ";
	cout << endl;

char lazy[4*n+1];
for(int i = 0 ; i < 4*n+1 ; i++)
	lazy[i] = '.';
	ll num , l ,r ;
	cin >> num >> l >> r;
	char ch ;
	if(num == 0)
		ch = 48;
	if(num == 1)
		ch = 49;
	if(num == 0 || num == 1)
		//tree , lazy , l ,r , ss , se , index
		string v  = query(tree,lazy,l,r,0,n-1,1);
		ll bin = 1;
		ll i = v.length() -1 ;
		ll ans = 0 ;
		while(i >= 0 )
			int num = v[i] - '0' ;
			ans += (num * bin);
			ans %= mod;
			bin *= 2;
		cout << ans << endl;


@anuranjan8319918906 hey send your code on coding blocks ide pls.

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