Exceptional server

In this challenge, you are required to handle error messages while working with small computational server that performs complex calculations.
It has a function that takes large numbers as its input and returns a numeric result. Unfortunately, there are various exceptions that may occur during execution.

Complete the code in your editor so that it prints appropriate error messages, should anything go wrong. The expected behavior is defined as follows:

If the compute function runs fine with the given arguments, then print the result of the function call.
If it fails to allocate the memory that it needs, print Not enough memory.
If any other standard C++ exception occurs, print Exception: S where is the exception’s error message.
If any non-standard exception occurs, print Other Exception.
Input Format

The first line contains an integer, , the number of test cases.
Each of the subsequent lines describes a test case as space-separated integers, and , respectively.


Output Format

For each test case, print a single line containing whichever message described in the Problem Statement above is appropriate. After all messages have been printed, the locked stub code in your editor prints the server load.

Sample Input

-8 5
1435434255433 5
Sample Output

Exception: A is negative
Not enough memory
Please help me with the logic

If you don’t know anything about exceptions, I recommend watching this short video for a quick introduction, as well as this handy article on TutorialsPoint. An exception is an error that will cause the program to exit the current iteration of whatever loop it is in.
Exceptions work by first making a “try” block, and following this with one or more “catch” blocks. If a “throw” is executed from inside the “try” block, it will exit the “try” block and search for a relevant “catch” block to tell it what to do. In general, if there are multiple catch blocks, they will each deal with a different type of exception. The general format looks like this:

try { 
    ///code that may result in exceptions being thrown 
catch (type of exception to be caught) { 
    ///action to take when this exception is caught 
catch (alternative type of exception to be caught) { 
    ///action to take when this alternative exception is caught 

In addition to manually entered exceptions , C++ will also automatically throw an exception by itself in some circumstances. For example, if memory has not been allocated properly, or if the user attempts to access a vector element which is out of range. These exceptions are all objects and the individual types are all children of the class “std::exception”. A reference list of these can be found here.

When an exception is thrown, it will usually throw with it some kind of object or variable. This will be used to decide which catch block to execute. For example, line 16 throws an object of class “std::invalid_argument”. This means that if you create a catch that listens for this class of objects, it will activate when this object is thrown. For example:

catch(invalid_argument& e) { 
    // what to do in this case here

Within this block, the object thrown has been assigned the label “e” and the quoted text input on line 16 can be accessed with the function “e.what()”. In this case, replacing “invalid_argument” with “exception” would also have caught this exception, as invalid_argument is a child of exception (see aforementioned reference list).

actual code for this one is quite simple:

try { 
   cout << Server::compute(A,B) << endl; 
catch (bad_alloc& error) { 
    cout << "Not enough memory" << endl; 
catch (exception& error) { 
    cout << "Exception: " << error.what() << endl; 
catch (...) { 
    cout << "Other Exception" << endl; 

This code passed all test cases.The first 3 lines are the “try” block. In this block we just have the call to use the compute(A,B) function and to print the result. Since this is a static function (see line 13), we don’t need to create any objects of type Server, we can just call it directly instead.

If there is something wrong with the inputs, then executing this function will throw out the relevant exception. As the problem states, we need to be able to handle 3 different scenarios:

1. Not enough memory allocated
2. Other standard C++ exception
3. Other non-standard C++ exception

The first catch will be triggered whenever a “bad_alloc” exception occurs. Scenario 1 is actually a standard C++ exception, but we need to give it special treatment with a unique message for the challenge. This is why we put this catch first and the catch for all standard C++ exceptions second, because otherwise the “bad_alloc” exception would be treated the same as the others.

The second scenario will trigger when any other exceptions in the C++ exception library occur (again, find a list of these exceptions here). Because the line 16 has manual text, this text will print whenever this throw occurs. All other exceptions will print some standard code that gives some clue as to what caused the exception.

The final catch uses an ellipses (…) as the catch condition. This means that this catch will be triggered by any other exceptions not caught by the previous catches. Notably, this will be caused by the throw on line 20, as this is throwing a zero, which is not a standard C++ exception.

Any of these catches being triggered will cause the loop to immediately move to the next iteration, so you don’t have to worry about the computation being printed if they occur.