Error in executing my file

ERROR - Update ‘{‘update_id’: 795118636, ‘message’: {‘new_chat_photo’: [], ‘delete_chat_photo’: False, ‘date’: 1631364035, ‘text’: ‘/start’, ‘entities’: [{‘type’: ‘bot_command’, ‘length’: 6, ‘offset’: 0}], ‘message_id’: 5, ‘photo’: [], ‘caption_entities’: [], ‘new_chat_members’: [], ‘channel_chat_created’: False, ‘chat’: {‘last_name’: ‘Srivastav’, ‘id’: 1936079187, ‘first_name’: ‘Rohan’, ‘type’: ‘private’}, ‘group_chat_created’: False, ‘supergroup_chat_created’: False, ‘from’: {‘first_name’: ‘Rohan’, ‘last_name’: ‘Srivastav’, ‘language_code’: ‘en’, ‘id’: 1936079187, ‘is_bot’: False}}}’ caused error’‘CallbackContext’ object has no attribute ‘message’’

on executing the command /start , it is giving me this error , on researching i found that there have been some changes in telegram version 12.0 , callbackcontext has been added which contains all the an update , job or error but i was unable to reflect the changes in my code , need help doing that

hey @rohansrivastav ,
can you tell me on what version are you working on now.
and also , can you please share your code with me too.