Error in code to compute square root

For large numbers the number of precision places is not the same as the input given. Why? This is the link to my code:

@shruthi019 hey shruthi rao you have to use set precision method to set the precision because cout statement is not support precision properly
go through this

HI. I tried using the set precision feature and updated the code. However for the test case I am considering the precision places are still 3 only regardless of the input 6 that Iā€™m providing.
Test case is
n=36278 and p=6
Check it out:

Can you help out @jaiskid ?

@shruthi019 sorry for the delay here is the implementation code

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@shruthi019 for the further doubt please do tag this doubt is resolved on the whatsapp by sanjeet boora which is our mentor

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@shruthi019 hey shruthi see this this

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Thank you so much bhaiya ! :smiley:

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@shruthi019 happy coding

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