Error: GraphViz's executables not found

When visualizing the decision tree using graphviz it shows an error GraphViz’s executables not found. I have tried installing and reinstalling it but still doesn’t work. I have also found a solution stating adding the graphviz to environment variable path. I added C:\Users\Sanchit\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\Lib\site-packages\graphviz
to path but the error is still there.(I don’t use anaconda, just the pip installer)

Hey @SanchitSayala, there is some issue with graphviz executables and windows. Plz try out various possible solution in this link. If still unable to do, let me know over pm i will try to install myself on your pc.

Happy Learning :blush:

I found a solution from another site. Thanks anyways.

Hey @SanchitSayala, Great if you can share how u resolved it do share that as well.