Eko Spoj Problem tried, Gave Wrong Answer

I tried the Eko Spoj Problem, and gave wrong answer on submission. Please help:

your approach is correct
but i think you did not see the constraints they are large

so use long long int NOT int
after that it will be AC

Modified Code

Thank you
I got it but can you tell me what is the difference between
int main( ) and int32_t main( )

int main() ==> in this case main will return int but we define int as long long int
so it return int
which is not allowed in c++
main should return int only

so i make return type as 32 bit int hence write
int32_t main()

if you want to ask something about this feel free to ask
i hope this helps
if yes show your response with :heart: and don’t forgot to mark doubt as resolved

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Thank you so much for the help
I understood your point
And already marked as resolved