Effecient approach

i solved this question correctly but i don’t think my approach is the most efficient and correct
please provide the soln code of this question with explanation

the most efficient solution runs in O(n) time and O(1) space and works on the following principle:
A tree is BST if the following is true for every node

  1. the largest val in the left subtree is smaller than node
  2. the smallest val in the right subtree is larger than node

using this principle, traverse the tree in a bottom up manner, keeping track of the largest BST found after each step

struct Node* newNode( int data)


struct Node* node = new Node;

node->data = data;

node->left = node->right = NULL;

return (node);


// Information to be returned by every

// node in bottom up traversal.

struct Info


int sz; // Size of subtree

int max; // Min value in subtree

int min; // Max value in subtree

int ans; // Size of largest BST which

// is subtree of current node

bool isBST; // If subtree is BST


// Returns Information about subtree. The

// Information also includes size of largest

// subtree which is a BST.

Info largestBSTBT(Node* root)


// Base cases : When tree is empty or it has

// one child.

if (root == NULL)

return {0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, 0, true };

if (root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL)

return {1, root->data, root->data, 1, true };

// Recur for left subtree and right subtrees

Info l = largestBSTBT(root->left);

Info r = largestBSTBT(root->right);

// Create a return variable and initialize its

// size.

Info ret;

ret.sz = (1 + l.sz + r.sz);

// If whole tree rooted under current root is

// BST.

if (l.isBST && r.isBST && l.max < root->data &&

r.min > root->data)


ret.min = min(l.min, min(r.min, root->data));

ret.max = max(r.max, max(l.max, root->data));

// Update answer for tree rooted under

// current 'root'

ret.ans = ret.sz;

ret.isBST = true ;

return ret;


// If whole tree is not BST, return maximum

// of left and right subtrees

ret.ans = max(l.ans, r.ans);

ret.isBST = false ;

return ret;
