E knapsack 2 Atcoder

Hello i didn’t got how does the change of state works and how to visualize where the change of state is needed if possible explain with example

Okay I’ll share my approach along with the code.
This is the code https://ideone.com/B0Joub

Now I’ll try to explain the logic.

Given the constraints we can see that the only thing we can form a dp for is the value we get, because vi<=1000 and n<=100, so the total possible value we could gain would be 1000*100.
SO we form a dp array of dp[100005][100];

here dp[i][j] denotes the minimum cost to get value i using items from given index to the last index.

       for (int i = 100000; i >= 0; i--) {
              if (solveDp(i, 0, item, n) <= cap)       return i;

Here we are simply running a loop to find the max value we can get by spending only the amount we are allowed to spend. Cap is the amount we can spend.

       dp[val][index] = min(item[index][0] + solveDp(val - item[index][1], index + 1, item, n),
                            solveDp(val, index + 1, item, n));

This is the normal recurrence that we use in knapsack, i.e., if we pick the current item or we don’t pick the current item.

       if (val <= 0)    return 0;
       if (index == n)  return INTMAX;
       if (dp[val][index] != -1)       return dp[val][index];

And these are our normal base conditions.