Doubt in entropy function

why np.log2 in entropy code

Hey sweta,
According to the formula -sigma(pi*log(pi)) We need to take log values for calculating entropy. Explanation is given in the video about this formula, in code we are just implementing this formula in python.

Thanks :slight_smile:

why log2 is used ,why 2 as the base?

the significance of 2 here is nothing much,
You can take other base as well.
logab = logcb / logca

Hence, if you use other base, such as e and 10, you can always convert to another base using a scalar multiplication according to the above formula
But generally in computer we work with bases 2, unless specified explicitly, because information in the smallest unit bits can be divided in 2 parts only.

I hope this clears your doubts

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Yes doubt is cleared .Thank you Sir!

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