Doubt in deletion in linked list

In this code I have written a code for deletion at tail of a linked list from ( line 98 ) to ( line 104 ). How should I declare a pointer which points to the previous node from tail ?

hello @yashsharma4304
use one additional pointer that stores address of last visited node.

check now->

It is giving error

declare pointer as *previous .(i missed *)

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I want to ask one more thing that if we write that :
previous = tail;

then it means previous and tail will point to the same node i.e to the last node. Why you are saying that previous will point to last second node ?

look at this->

   while(tail->next != NULL){
        tail = tail->next;

after assigning tail to previous , we are moving tail to next .
thats why previous will not be equal to tail(tail will be next node of previous).

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Ok yeah… it’s clear now. Thank you very much for your help :slightly_smiling_face:

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