Don't know where i am wrong

Here i am trying to generate all paranthesis…
Don’t know where the code is missing…
Could you please help where the code is failing…

hi @ashishnnnnn the problem is that you are not backtracking, you appended a bracket to the string, but you did not remove it for the next step.
I have provided an alternative method for appending characters, so that you dont need to manually backtrack. Check it out here

Please go through the output of this code…
can you explain after printing (())2 2 2 4
How it is printing 1 1 2 2 (()
Acoording to me it should 1 1 2 2 ()
Please explain this

This is the code…

@ashishnnnnn the reason as i explained above is that you are not backtracking, go through the changes I made in your code you’ll get it

Can you show me… what backtracking steps i could add here in my code… if i am using s.push_back()…

@ashishnnnnn after you do s.push_back()
and do the recursive call
remove the character you added from the string
you can use the pop_back function

Got this…
This will work…

@ashishnnnnn dont forget to mark your doubt as resolved!