Dividde and conquer quiz

Could you explain question 1,7,8. How is their time complexity calculated.

Consider the following function

find (int n)
  if (n < 2 ) then return; 
    sum= 0;
    for (i= 1; i ≤ 4; i++) find (n/2);
    for (i=1; i≤ n*n; i++) sum= sum + 1;

Assume that the division operation takes constant time and “sum” is global variable. What is the time complexity of “find (n)” ?

for this ans is n^2logn

in each function call n^2 steps
and total function call is of the order log n because we are dividing by 2 each time
so time complexity O(n^2 logn)

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which one are 7th and 8th??

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these are the questions 7 and 8. have also included 1.

And thanks for the explanation i understand it now!