Difficulty in modification in dijkstra algorithmn

This is the link for the code I had coded.I am facing difficulty in adding the timestamp part in the code that how I need to put the delay part in my code by modifying to get the answer.I had tried my best but could not make the code run properly.Please make the suitable changes in my could so that it runs correctly within the specified constraints.

I had coded the for the question given below –

Input file: standard input
Output file: standard output
Time limit: 1 second
Memory limit: 256 megabytes

A COVID-19 vaccine has finally been found but it’s in a different universe.

There are a total of n universes in this multiverse and Dr Strange can make portals between any of
them. They are numbered 1 to n and travelling between any two is only possible through these specially
created portals. Earth is in the 1st universe whereas the vaccine is known to be on the nth universe.
Due to the complexity of multiverse space-time continuum, different portals can take an unequal amount of
travelling time (in minutes). Dr Strange is too important to leave Earth right now, so he sends Spiderman
instead to hop from universe to universe.
Also, some of the universes are captured by Dark Forces and are patrolled by demons at specific time
instances. In order to pass through them, Spiderman has to hide there until it’s safe. If Spiderman arrives
at a universe at time t and it is marked unsafe at time t, then Spiderman would have to hide until the
next safe minute arrives.

Since Earth is in dire need of the vaccine, Dr Strange decides to get it at the earliest. With information
about the portal travel time and unsafe minutes for each universe, help Dr Strange make the fastest route
for Spiderman to take, in order to reach the vaccine.

The first line contains two space-separated integers: n, the number of universes and m, the number of
Then m lines follow, ith line contains three integers, universe ai and bi, connected through the ith portal and ci, the travelling time between the mentioned universes. Then n lines follow, ith line contains ki, number of time instances when the demons are patrolling the ith universe. Then ki space separated integers tij follow in sorted order. tij means that at this timestamp some demon was patrolling on the ith universe and the spiderman had to wait for this second (if he is at this universe at this timestamp).

2 ≤ n ≤ 105

0 ≤ m ≤ 105

1 ≤ a,b ≤ n

1 ≤ c ≤ 104

0 ≤ ki ≤ 105; sum of ki < 105

0 ≤ tij ≤ 109


Print a single number — the least amount of time spiderman needs to get from universe 1 to universe n.
If spiderman can’t get to universe n in any amount of time, print number -1.


standard input standard output

4 4

1 2 3

1 3 2

2 4 2

3 4 3


1 4

2 2 3




It is guaranteed that there would be at most one portal between any pair of universe
Spiderman has two ways to reach universe 4.

The first way is to go from 1->2 (3 seconds) then 2->4 (2 seconds). Total = 5 seconds.

The second way is to go from 1->3 (2 seconds), wait until 3 seconds (demons are patrolling) then 3->4
(3 seconds). Total = 6 seconds.