Difference between *args and **kwargs

Can you please let me know how *args and **kwargs are different from each other and would how can we use them in actual prgramming?

hey @rishabb0220_574491cc1db7c5b2 ,
single star means a list of values , and double star means a proper declaration of multiple variables.

so , if you try them in a function and then try to print them , you will se that args is a list and kwargs is a dictionary.

and to use them , it actually depends on you .
For example you are making a functions where you need to get multiple values as input irrespective of there order, then you can easily use only args to get them ,
but you need to maintain an order in some way , so wat you can do is ask user to give them in a key-value pair form , irrespective of there order .
so at then end you can get them in the way you want and use them.

I hope this helps a bit. if not then let me know , will explain in some other way
Thank You and Happy Learning :slight_smile:.