Didn't understand the question

Could you kindly explain how the 12 gets converted into 13 and how the coins are split?

Hello @varun.saxena,

In this question you have consider three things:

  1. each coin has a number written on it.
  2. you can buy gold with a coin of amount(in kg) written on the coin.
  3. In exchange of your coin of value n, you can get three coins of values n/2, n/3, n/4 i.e. in total you would have a total amount of (int)(n/2) +(int)(n/3) +(int)(n/4)

Now, you have to calculate the max. amount(in kg) of gold you can buy, by the coin you are given initially.

Suppose, N=12
now you have two choices:

  1. do not exchange coin with bank, i.e total amount=12
  2. exchange n to (n/2,n/3,n/4) i.e. total amount=6+4+3=13

Now, you have to select max of both. here it is 13.
Recursively, you can break the coins further and than return the max of above two choices/amounts.
But, the parameter we are passing every time in function is an integer, so some values of n will repeat.

This satisfies two conditions of DP i.e. Optimal substructure and overlapping substructures.

In our case, the max. value of will come out to be 13.

From the problem definition, say a function, f (n) return ways to compute the change.

recursive statement/calls:
f (n) = max (n, f (n / 2) + f (n / 3) + f (n / 4)) // here recursion is taking place.
Base case:
f (0) = 0
f(1) =1

Hope, this would help.
if you still have doubts, feel free to ask.