Didn't understamd question 4 of quiz

plz explain question 4 of the quiz and how to solve it?

Hey @Jan19LPN0013 boolean function work like
z = 1 if ( weight^T * x + b) >=0
z = 0 if (weight^T *x + b)<0

Now first consider what function perceptron c is representing,
A B C ( let x = -1 *1 + 1.5 * A + 1.5 *B, c=0 when x<0 and c=1 when x>=0)
0 0 0 ( = -1 which is <0)
0 1 1 ( = 0.5 which is >=0)
1 0 1 ( = 0.5 which is >=0)
1 1 1 (= 2 which is >=0)

From the truth table you can see that, it represents C = ( A or B)

Now similarly looking for Y
C D Y ( let x = -1.5 *1 + 1 * A + 1 *B, y=0 when x<0 and y=1 when x>=0)
0 0 0 ( = -1.5 which is <0)
0 1 0 ( = -0.5 which is <0)
1 0 0 ( = -0.5 which is <0)
1 1 1 (= 0.5 which is >=0)

From this truth table you can see, that Y = C And D
Now putting C = A or B
Final function y = (A or B) and D

Hope this explanation helps you understand !
Happy Learning :slight_smile:

ohk thanks sir for your support

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