Detect loop in linked list
Given a linked list of N nodes. The task is to check if the linked list has a loop. Linked list can contain self loop.

Example 1:

N = 3
value[] = {1,3,4}
x = 2
Output: True
Explanation: In above test case N = 3.
The linked list with nodes N = 3 is
given. Then value of x=2 is given which
means last node is connected with xth
node of linked list. Therefore, there
exists a loop.
Example 2:

N = 4
value[] = {1,8,3,4}
x = 0
Output: False
Explanation: For N = 4 ,x = 0 means
then lastNode->next = NULL, then
the Linked list does not contains
any loop.
Your Task:
The task is to complete the function detectloop() which contains reference to the head as only argument. This function should return 1 if linked list contains loop, else return 0.

Expected Time Complexity: O(N)
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(1)

1 <= N <= 104
1 <= Data on Node <= 103
why is it giving wrong ans

bool detectLoop(Node* head){
Node* slow = head;
Node* fast = head;

    while(fast!=NULL && fast->next!=NULL){
        slow = slow->next;
        fast = fast->next->next;
        if(slow == fast){
            return true;
    return false;

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