Desired output is not coming

How can I share the code with you?

Hey @yashiagar99, you can share .py files after saving the code file on and than sharing the link. If you want to share ipynb then you can uploat ipynb notebook on google drive and share the link.

Hope this resolved your doubt. :blush:

Can you tell me how i can take the first row to the next line which is getting started after the header row only?Then my doubt will be solved

Hey @yashiagar99,

could you please elaborate this little more, I didn’t get it. Is your doubt “how to add header row to the final table_rows variable?”, or it is different.

Also in case if you are asking how to read the first two rows, i.e. the row that starts with No official codename. Answering for this part as well, so basically there is another property ‘rowspan’ (you might already be aware of it). In this case you have to manually check it, also write code to handle that case specifically, that is the reason you started with row ‘Cupcake’. This is completely fine.

Do let me know if your doubt was different from what i answered.

Hope this resolved your doubt. :blush: