Dataset Not found

I am not able to get the dataset ie ‘train_data.csv’ file that is used in the project, can you please specify the source?

Hey @saksham_thukral, please find the dataset below :

Hope this helps.
All the best :slight_smile:

i have this dataset , but here there are 4 files ie x-train , y-train,x-test,y-test . But the dataset used in the video is a single file train_data.However i still tried to use the seprate files but they are showing errors,
this is the code link when i tried to use the seprate files:-

Then i tried to preprocess the data to insert x-train data and y-train data into single csv file using csv module and pandas dataframe, but there also i was getting some typical errors,…plz if you can chek my code as what the problem in my code ie what changes i need to make to keep going with the project…as i am stuck in preprocesing this data files ,from quite a long tym know :worried:

The errors that you are getting are not related to the dataset. You have correctly loaded the dataset. Just try printing the values of X_train and Y_train and you would see how to index them. They are pandas dataframes and cannot be indexed like a numpy array.

Alternatively you can convert your X_train and Y_train into numpy arrays before printing their values , using :


Hope this helps :slight_smile: