CRX-Array Selection Sort

Hello Buddy, I followed same as explain but i am getting like this please help me whats was the wrong in my code

Input(gave values in array): 88, 11, 44, 99, 55
Output: 44 11 55 88 99
Expected Should be : 11 44 55 88 99

@s.v, corrected code.

Swap the elements outside the inner loop.

		for (int counter = 0; counter < array.length - 1; counter++) {
			int min = counter;
			for (int j = counter + 1; j <= array.length - 1; j++) {
				if (array[j] < array[min]) {
					min = j;
			int temp = array[min];
			array[min] = array[counter];
			array[counter] = temp;


Instead of:

 for (int counter = 0; counter < array.length - 1; counter++) {
            int min = counter;
            for (int j = counter + 1; j <= array.length-1; j++) {
                if (array[j] < array[min]) {
                    min = j;
                int temp = array[min];
                array[min] = array[counter];
                array[counter] = temp;