Counting Sort - Can we apply counting sort on negative number?

If in our auxiliary array we write the frequency of each of the elements to their respective indices on our frequency array. How can we deal with the negative numbers?

@raghav6 One way you can handle such cases is by doing a manual mapping.
Say you have array elements as : -9, 1, 2, 7, 3, 6, -1
Most negative element is -9.
So take index for -9 as 0(ie. -9+ 9)
Take index for 1 as 1+9=10
index for 2 as 2+9=11 and so on.
So by doing such index manipulation you can handle the negative numbers.

Hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you @pratyush63 Resolved the doubt! :slight_smile: