Count-frequency problem

This is my code can someone correct it please

hi @akshat42bajpai
corrected code -->

can you also tell how do i find the maximum of it…i am not able to do it

hi @akshat42bajpai
i hope its clear now??

i did the same vaibhav yesterday but it wasn’t passing the sample test cases

please reffer the below code to rectify your errors->

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// #include
// #include

void MaxCharacter(string &str){

// make a frequency array for all the alphabets

// with index zero

int freq[26] = {0};

// construct character count array from input string

int len = str.length();

int max = 0;

char result; //intitiliaze the result

// traverse through the string for mapping

for(int i=0;i<len;i++){



        max = freq[str[i]-'a'];

        result= str[i];





int main() {

string str;

getline(cin, str);



return 0;


hi @akshat42bajpai
the code u sent me, in that what u were doing was computing frequency of all characters and just printing them… u had not written the part to find the max freq character…

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