using namespace std;
int main() {
int n;
cin>>n ;
int d;
int count=0;
if (n%10==d){
count++ ;

cout<< count ;
return count;


Please tell the mistake in my logic as in 2 test cases I am getting run time error and @ testcases are correct…
Please tell me

Hello @G_rahil,

return 0;

In a C++ program, the statement return 0; is optional: the compiler automatically adds a return 0; if you don’t explicitly return a value.

The return value is the exit code of your program, the shell (or any other application that ran it) can read and use it.
The 0 exit code is a widely accepted convention for ‘OK the program execution was successful’.

Hope, this would help.
Give a like, if you are satisfied.

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Do not include break statement.