I am getting compilation error I dont know why.
Compilation error dont know why
Mapped string where A…Z=1…26
‘1’ ‘2’ ‘3’ = ABC
‘1’ ‘23’ = AW
‘12’ ‘3’ = LC
this one
We are given a hashmap which maps all the letters with number. Given 1 is mapped with A, 2 is mapped with B……26 is mapped with Z. Given a number, you have to print all the possible strings.
In ur recurse function u are using i but it is not defined anywhere
I have changed it still it is giving error
dont use doubt quotes(“1”) for numbers.
they are just characters use (‘1’) single quotes.
I have made the change still getting error.
a) again at one places u are using i.
b) also redefine the recursion. also make sure that when u combine two digit then string length must be atleast 2