Compilation Error | Djikstra

This is my code. Please help me in debugging it. The error is not pointing towards any particular line. So i am unable to figure out where is the error. Please help me.

hello @manisini.chakraborty
checking . . . . . .



here u should insert them as pair

@aman212yadav the code is now working and the test case given in example is giving correct output, but when I am submitting the code, I am getting compile error. Please help.

pls share ur updated code here it is. my bad i forgot to share.

u need to print disance in following order (distance of 1sr vertex then 2nd then 3rd so on)

if any vertices is not visited or INT_MAX distanace then print -1.

check ur updated code here>

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Thank you for your help. I missed the "labeled as 1 to N " part in the question. Thanks a lot again.