Checking approach

Can I take two variables a and b, and start traversing from 1 to 2000, and find factors of each number and store number of ‘2’ as factor in ‘a’ and no. of ‘5’ as factor in ‘b’…and lower of a and b will be the trailing zeroes for that particular number that is being traversed.

please check this approach, it has O(2000*2000) complexity

The complexity is n*(log2n + log5n). But we need a method which can give us the answer in O(log(n)).
There was a method in Permutations and Combinations. Keep a variable ans set to 0. Keep dividing n by the required number, i.e, 2 and 5 and keep adding the quotient to ans , update n = n/num and keep doing it till n > 0. This way, you can find the number of 2’s and 5’s in n factorial.

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how your method is giving the ans, plz explain the logic…

Using the above method, I calcaulate the number of 5’s in n! and the number of 2’s in n!
Because 10 is made up of 5 and 2, the minimum of the count of 5 and 2 is the required answer.

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