Check my "deletee" function

Here i have implemented this delete(named “deletee”) function on my own after learning the logic from video.
Please could you confirm if it right or wrong.
For me it seems correct.

hello @ashishnnnnn please share your code so that i can see .
and please share your code by saving it on

Sorry i forgot to share … the code…

@ashishnnnnn it’s fine i will tell your mistake please wait .

hey @ashishnnnnn there are certain things which are wrong in your delete fucntion .
i am giving you the correct delete function ,if you will go through it you will be able to find differences .

.in case you dont understand anything please ask here .
Happy Learning !!

Hii… I have gone through the code…
It also look somewhat same… Can you point me where my code is wrong.
I want to understand that(my mistake)

Hii …
Only one part i was missing in my code…
i.e in deletee function if the root itself is NULL, then i have to return NULL, this case i have not considered.

@ashishnnnnn you were not checking whether right is null and left is not null and vice versa.
you have to make separate two conditions for this just like i did.
and in starting you have to check if the root is no null because if it is null there is no point of deleting .
3.there one or two small errors in if part of the function.

Yaa… That is the error…
Thank you very much, it got accepted NOw.
Thanks :):slight_smile:

please mark both of your doubts as resolved .

Yaa… Done That :slight_smile: