Check for BST test case

Sir, on submitting on hackerrank, 3 testcases are failing.

@anishanand3733 please share your code

bool helper(Node* root, int minV = INT_MIN, int maxV = INT_MAX) {
    if(root==NULL)  return true;
    if(root->data >= minV && root->data <= maxV && helper(root->left,minV,root->data)&& helper(root->right,root->data,maxV)) {
        return true;
    return false;

bool checkBST(Node* root) {
	return helper(root,INT_MIN,INT_MAX);

hi @anishanand3733 i think they want to check stictly greater than or strictly less than, so change this line to root->data > minV && root->data < maxV
I am unable to submit and check because it is giving error for INT_MIN and INT_MAX, is there a way to include header files in this?

Thanks, successfully submitted.
Yes we have to explicitly include header file above the functions.

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@anishanand3733 dont forget to mark your doubt as resolved!