cant understand the error in my code
it is running fine in my compiler
Cant understand the error
hello @udayjain00
in input file both n and m are given in same line.
so u cannot use int(input()) to read a single integer.
first read a line and then split it into two integer using space as delimeter.
and use those two numbers.
also the brute approach migh give u tle , use segmented sieve to optimise it
cant understand the error, please help with collaborate mode
still error is coming
after getting string in start and end.
u need to convert in int using int function otherwise they will remain string
this code also not getting accepted
consider this->
a) u need to print output for different test case in different line
b) if start = 1 then increment it by 1 otherwise ur code will print 1 as well
c) also for code sharing , pls save ur code in cb ide and then share its link with me.
my code
incorporate point a and point b in ur code
please I very confused at this point
can you send me the correct code
this is correct code->
u need to optimise it furthur using seive to pass the test cases
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