Cant understand PrintNqueen

i dont understand will result store all string values after row reaches board.length by back tracking or it will store step by step one isItsafe function is true?

@Avnish-Singh-2724104534303277 Hi buddy, what happens here is, we are making result while we are building the recursive stack, so as n = 4 has 2 configurations, so if it is safe to place at particular square then it will append it to result, now when 'base case is hit i.e all the queens are placed we print one configuration and then that return statement just make popping of the recursive stack, now there is where backtracking comes to play, as now we try to find another valid configuration.

My advice is to dry run yourself for n = 4, you will be good to go.

Also close the doubt my marking it resolved and rate full!
Happy coding!