Bot not working properly

Kindly help me solve the problem, as whenever I write /start on the bot, the code shows the error

ERROR - Update ‘<telegram.ext.callbackcontext.CallbackContext object at 0x042458C8>’ caused error ‘‘CallbackContext’ object has no attribute ‘message’’

hey @Ujjwal.madaan ,
you might have downloaded python-telegram-bot version 4.4 .
This error is common in that.

You can do two things

  1. Lower your telegram version to 12.8 ,along with python version to be 3.6 or 3.7 and perform the same tasks as shown in the video.
  2. Or what you can do is , have a look at this code file
    I have updated this code according to the recent version.

I hope this helps. :slightly_smiling_face:.

hey @yashaswiupmon ,
Okay will check and update it .

Thank You for letting me know about that.

hey @yashaswiupmon ,
You might be working on the latest 13.0 version , but using the code syntax suitable with 12.8.
So just lower its version , and get it running.

I try but still not work

is the error still the same ?