Binary Representation of 32

Here we are giving binary representation of 32 as 0010000 but its representation is 1*10 raised to the power 5…
Please Help

0010000 this is the string representation of 32
10^5 is the int representation of 32 (any int number cannot be preceeded by a 0).

int a = 07 is stored as 7

Is this string representation already told to us??..
it will be taught in later lessons ?.
Because i am not able to understand the meaning of two 0s in start of representation…

Is this string representation already taught to us??..
it will be taught in later lessons ?.
Because i am not able to understand the meaning of two 0s in start of representation…

If string has not been covered yet, it will covered soon, don’t worry.

there are 7 bits here for binary representation and to represent 32 we can do like 0010000 or 10000, we basically ignore the first 2 0s as they don’t contribute while representation.

We can represent 64 as 0100000 or 100000