You have to paint N boards of length {A0, A1, A2, A3 … AN-1}. There are K painters available and you are also given how much time a painter takes to paint 1 unit of board. You have to get this job done as soon as possible under the constraints that any painter will only paint contiguous sections of board. Return the ans % 10000003
Input Format
First line contains three space seperated integers N,K and T ,where
N = Size of array,
K = No of painters available ,
T = Time taken to print each board by one painter
Next line contains N space seperated positive integers denoting size of N boards.
Output Format
Return minimum time required to paint all boards % 10000003.
Sample Input
2 2 5
1 10
Sample Output
The first painter can paint the first board in 5 units of time and the second painter will take 50 units of time to paint the second board. Since both can paint simultaneously , the total time required to paint both the boards is 50.