Array-spiral print anticlock wise

using namespace std;

void spiral(int arr[100][100], int M, int N)
int sc = 0, sr = 0, ec = N - 1, er = M - 1;
while (sc <= ec and sr <= er)
// print sc
for (int row = sr; row <= er; row++)
cout << arr[row][sc] << ", ";

    // print er
    for (int col = sc; col <= ec; col++)
        cout << arr[er][col] << ", ";
    if (sc < ec)

        // print ec
        for (int row = er; row >= sr; row--)
            cout << arr[row][ec] << ", ";

    if (sr < er)

        // print sr
        for (int col = ec; col >= sc; col--)
            cout << arr[sr][col] << ", ";

int main()
int M, N;
cin >> M >> N;
int arr[100][100];

for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
        cin >> arr[i][j];

spiral(arr, M, N);

return 0;


here is my code cleared all test case except 4th one
plz help me out

@sahilkumar23102003_bbf6ee38349d98a1 u just flipped the conditions of if block
sc<ec and sr<er thing here’s the updated code

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