Answer Key for Assignment

Where can i find the answers sir/madam for checking my answers

for hour glass puzzle
When the 7min hourglass ran out, he turned it around.
4 minutes later, the 11min hourglass ran out, and he promptly turned the 7min hourglass around again, so the 4 min ran back again.

11 + 4 = 15,

for apple orange puzzle

The key bit is “All the three boxes are names incorrectly”

so the label on the box which fruit comes from will need to be changes to one of the other 2 labels.

It can only be 1 of them (and it will be obvious when you have the fruit)

then the remaining box (that hasnt featured yet)…Just swap that label with fruit box that was originally on the box which you took the fruit out of

Thats hard for anybody to understand somebody elses explanation…

eaiest way is to just do an example

But in one box both apple and orange is there so what if we decide something wrong . My solutuon is since it is incorrenctly labelled we will pick a fruit from the container labelled “Apple and Orange” which will have only apples or only oranges and then the rest two would be obvious like that . It is still not clear for me

yes this solution is correct
you pick a fruit from “Apple and Orange”
case 1) if it is orange
then “orange” --> Apple
and “Apple”–> Apple and Orange

case 2) if it is Apple
then “orange” --> Apple and Orange
and “Apple”–> Orange