Always shows false statement

please help and tell me what is problem in this code which always shows me “false” when number entered.

hello @sid_kapoor

after while loop ur no will become zero so u need to update it with n .
check here->

it is still shows wrong answer

check ur updated code hhere->

#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;

int main() 

{ int n;
  cin >> n;
 int no=n; int digits=0;

 int sum=0; 

 while (no>0) {
no=n;// added
 while (no>0) {

  int rem=no%10;  // here u were using n

  sum = sum + pow(rem, digits);


 if (n==sum) { cout << "true" << endl; }

 else { cout << "false" << endl; }

  return 0;

it still showing same wrong output ,dont know what’s going wrong

its working on my side

yes it is done now thank you so much