All the numbers in y_ are same in boston_house prediction code.
Here is my code-
I have corrected it. Pls check now
Your implementation of gradient() function had a bug.
def gradient(X, y, theta):
m, n = X.shape
grad = np.zeros((n,))
for j in range(n):
for i in range(m):
y_ = hypothesis(X[i],theta)
grad[j] += (y_ - y[i])*X[i][j]
return grad/m
def gradient(X,y,theta):
m,n = X.shape
grad = np.zeros((n,))
# for all values of j
for j in range(n):
# sum over all examples
for i in range(m):
y_ = hypothesis(X[i],theta)
grad[j] += (y_ - y[j])*X[i][j]
# out of bothe th loops
return grad/m
Notice that you were accessing y[j] instead of y[i] when computing the gradients.
Hope this helps! You can now mark the issue as resolved in the “My Doubts” section.