All manual test cases is running but still the only test case is not passed

Can you please tell me which test case is not passed ?

Try for this
correct output : 10125
your code gives : 238 // not ugly

logic :
Ugly number(i) = minimum of (2 * ugly number(f2), 3* ugly number(f3), 5*ugly number(f5))

Where, f2, f3, f5 are counters for 2, 3, 5 respectively which stores the index for f2th ugly number, f3th ugly number, f5th ugly number.

Then we will store our answer.


Initializing f2, f3, f5 to maintain f2th ugly number, f3th ugly number and f5th ugly number to 1.
Creating a DP matrix in which ith cell represent ith ugly number.
Start filling the dp matrix from i = 2.
Ugly number(i) = minimum of (2 * ugly number(f2), 3* ugly number(f3), 5*ugly number(f5)).
Finding the answer using above relation and storing it at ith index.
Now, the time complexity O(N).