I hope you’re doing good…
I was trying to train CIFAR100 on AlexNet from Scratch using Tensorflow, but even after 100+ epochs, I am only able to get the testing accuracy at approx. 42%. Confused as to why it is showing such behavior, with a batch size of 64 and learning rate: 0.001. Could you please help me in clearing this doubt…
AlexNet - CIFAR 100
hey @manmeetkaur0175 ,
CIFAR 100 is a very big dataset , having a large number of classes too.
So , you need to work a lot on this to get good results.
Now coming to the model ,You are working on AlexNet, that nice.
Though if you are making it from scratch , you need to keep a lot of things in mind.
- What kind of input you provide. Like , are you augmenting or not , whether augmenting will be useful or not.
Once You are done with the input data , then comes the forward modelling part into action.
Now as your model structure is fixed ( AlexNet Structure ) , Now its your choice to improve or optimize the number of nodes in each layer or not. Thats also comes as a part of experiment.
Now lets assume that , you have got full model with optimized no. of nodes in each layer.
The time comes to actually train it.
- Most important things to remember now are learning_rate , optimizer ,loss function and batch_size.
Although number of epochs is also important , but not that much.
Now ,
a. As it a multiclass classification problem , then categorical_crossentropy would work very good as to be the loss function.
b. For optimizer , generally we say adam works best , but its not a rule to use this only.
You Can try RMSProp , Adamgrad, etc. Which works good.
c. Learning rate, i guess the value used by you is a quite large , i would suggest lowering it.
d. batch_size , most of the times , if data is very big , the value of 256-1024 is used. But yeah you need try a more of them and get the one which suits better.
Extra points.
Although the AlexNet model is really good , But there are may other models providing the state of the art results on this problem. You can have a look at them ,or even try improving the model structure by adding more layers , optimizing number of layers , optimizing number of nodes etc.
Try using cross_validation , with this you can get a simple expectation of predictions on unseen data.
Try using callbacks in training , like EarlyStopping , ModelCheckPoint, ReduceLrOnPlateau , these helps to improve the model working while being in training. Have found them very useful , when training model on large dataset.
I hope these points help you a bit.
Thank You and happy learning .
Thanks a lot for providing a detailed overview of the parameters that can be tweaked…
I will try experimenting with them, and improve upon my testing accuracy.
Thanks for sharing !
Its good to hear that.
I would request you to kindly mark this doubt as resolved and raise another doubt specifically to things to get stucked in experimenting above topics.
Thank You and Happy Learning .
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