when we are doing movie_ratings=movie_ratings[[0,1]]
why we are getting 1,2 columns but not rows…
Accessing first two columns of movie_ratings
hey @ajaysiddartha ,
when we pass values in double square brackets it understands them as column names .
So to access only the first and second rows, you do it using df.loc .
Check its documentation and you will get your task done.
ok…and what is group by?
it have not heard it in previous videos?
group by is a special function that used to sort out values based on another value of another feature in that dataset
for example assume your dataset has 2 feature sex and age.
So you can groupby age and get sum , mean , max or any other operation to work on all those records that belong to a particular sex( either Male or Female ).
It might have been explained in pandas basics , if not then i request you to kindly go through its documentation once.
ok thanks…and brother the videos i have requested to change have not changed even now…its been more than 1 month…im facing difficulties working with some terms…i have mailed them 3 times …as of now…
hey @ajaysiddartha ,
I really apologize for that case , i too had asked them to get it done.
Mentors have said that they are working on it and will get them changed.
Other than i can’t tell you anything , because i too dont know.
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