at 16:45 bhaiya said that for a matrix of (5 x 300) we will be taking the mean across the rows to get the average vector, but shouldn’t the mean be taken across the columns to get an average vector of shape 300. I know in video the shape comes out to be 300 , but doesn’t it implies the the vector would have been of the shape (300 x 5), Its a silly confusion that i am facing, plz if u can clarify a little? infact at 16:51 bhaiya highlight columns for which we are taking average for …
A little doubt in video concept
Hi @saksham_thukral,
You have a very natural doubt and quite common too. The terminology used is correct. The mean is a row-wise mean. Let me explain how. The shape of the vector is 5*300 i.e. it has 5 rows. Whenever we take a row-wise mean, it means that multiple rows would be combined (averaged) to make a single row i.e. in this example 5 rows would be combined to make a single (1, 300) vector. Here, we can discard the singleton dimension and our output vector becomes (300,).
(Similarly a column-wise mean would have meant (5, 300) -> (5, 1), multiple columns combined).
Hope this helps!
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