2 D character arrays

i have 2 doubts in this lecture.

for the following code it is showing output as p²a but the output should be p only. why is it so??
char c[10][10];
c[0][0] = ‘p’;

when i use cin.get() in place of cin to input a row of 2 D array then it shows error why??
this is the code-
using namespace std;
int main()
char a[100][100];
a[0] = cin.get();
a[1] = cin.get();
return 0;
but it works fine when i use cin>>a[0];

cin.get() is used for accessing character array. It includes white space characters. Generally, [cin]with an extraction operator (>>) terminates when whitespace is found. However, cin.get() reads a string with the whitespace.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
   char c[10][10];
c[0][0] = 'a';

this code is not compiling

u can write
cout <<c[0][0]