Whats the error in this code

For revising Quadratic Equations Question

First line contains nature of the roots .
The next line contains roots( If roots are imaginary do not print the roots. 

add this to your code

I made the changes in the code and its still not running green for all test cases

follow this

  1. Calculate the D viz, sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c).
  2. If D < 0,
    2.1 print Imaginary
  3. if D == 0,
    3.1 print Real and Equal
    3.1 Calculate roots using formula ( - b + D) / (2 * a) and (- b - D)/ (2 * a)
    3.2 Print the roots
  4. If D > 0,
    4.1 print Real and Distinct
    4.2 Calculate roots using formula ( - b + D) / (2 * a) and (- b - D)/ (2 * a)
    4.3 print the roots (in non-decreasing order)
  5. End