what is a static variable? it has not been taught before. and also why are we not using normal variable, i am not able to understand that.
What is a static variable?
Hello @alankrit.agr99,
You must have learned this while studying functions and pointers or OOPS.
Static is a keyword in C++ used to give special characteristics to an element. Static elements are allocated storage only once in a program lifetime in the static storage area. And they have a scope till the program lifetime. Static Keyword can be used with following,
- Static variable in functions
- Static Class Objects
- Static member Variable in class
- Static Methods in the class
For more detailed information you can refer to the following links:
Let me know if you don’t understand something.
Hope, this would help.
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Yes I think the order of the course is not correct. DMA has not been taught yet but it is being use in string tutorials.