Wave print coloumn wise

when i am running the code …it is giving me correct output…but when when i am submitting it…it is showing wrong answer in all the test cases…whats the issue in my code??..

Your code will not print complete output for a rectangular matrix. This is because your while loop will only run min(rows, columns) times. For example : for matrix
2 6
11 12 13 41 42 43
21 22 23 31 32 33

Your while loop will run only twice and hence print only 11, 21, 22, 12, END

To overcome this problem, you can keep a count variable initialized with zero and increment it everytime an element is printed, And you can run your loop till count is less than total number of elements


thanks…the code works now…but i am still unable to understand…why it didnt worked earlier for rectangular cases…

It was happening because your while loop was like this

while(i<arr.length && j<arr[i].length)

Now here if the number of columns is 6 and the number of rows is 2, the loop will break after ‘i’ becomes equal to 2, and the rest of the pattern would not be printed, i.e only 2 columns would be printed.