Ultra fast Mathematics Problem

Pls find error as 1 test case is not working

Hey @sulbh579 there’s a minor error in your code in else if condition(line 22) you’ve written same statement on both side of or. So,
else if(((a[i]==β€˜1’) && (b[i]==β€˜0’))||((a[i]==β€˜1’) && (b[i]==β€˜0’))) will change to
else if(((a[i]==β€˜1’) && (b[i]==β€˜0’))||((a[i]==β€˜0’) && (b[i]==β€˜1’))).
I hope i have solved your doubt if so please mark the doubt as resolved.

Hey @sulbh579 I hope I have cleared your doubt if so, please mark the doubt as resolved.