Tree Map with Comparator

can we use tree map with custom comparator of java.util package?

TreeMap<Integer,Node> hmap=new TreeMap<Node,Integer>(new myComparator());
But this is govong me error

Hy Vidushi , The TreeMap in java uses custom comparator to sort the Map by Key and not Value.
But if you want to sort a map by the value, still we have a solution using LinkedHashMap

You have to update the syntax like this to avoid the error
TreeMap<Node,Integer> hmap=new TreeMap<Node,Integer>(new myComparator());

no no that I have done but it is still giving error

public class Solution {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		TreeMap<Node,Integer> hmap=new TreeMap<Node,Integer>(new myComparator());

class myComparator implements Comparator<Node>{
    public int compare(Node e1, Node e2) {
        return e1.value.compareTo(e2.value);

class Node{
    public String value;
    public int S;

You can refer this code