Strings-String Compression

giving last test case wrong and second last to be run time error

do a dry run for your code on aaaaassssddddffaaagggssfffgzx

actually it is a simple problem we dont require a boolean array…just iterarte over the string and print the necessary output

let say if the input is aaaaassssddddffaaagggssfffgzx

then the output should be a5s4d4f2a3g3s2f3gzx

yes and once check it with your code…

as you said i did , plss check and tell me what is error in it

you code is absolutely correct just one minor change:

import java.util.*;
public class Main {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
		String s = sc.nextLine();
		int n = s.length();
		ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
		int i =0;
			int count=0;
			char x=s.charAt(i);
			while(i<s.length()&&s.charAt(i)==x) {//check that i should not exceed the length of the string
			String z= String.valueOf(x);
			if(count>1) {
			    String r = String.valueOf(count);

		for(int j =0;j<list.size();j++)


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