Smart Keypad - 1

What’s the error in this code.
Also the given question is a bit difficult to understand as the question and the sample input cases are a bit different.

Hey @mananaroramail,
Please share your code as well.
See imagine the old nokia-samsung phones which had buttons. 1-abc, 2-def and so on.
Similarly in this question, you are given the string table[] = { " ", “.+@$”, “abc”, “def”, “ghi”, “jkl” , “mno”, “pqrs” , “tuv”, “wxyz” };

where string corresponding to 0 is " " and 1 is “.+@$” and 2 is “abc”.

Now if input is 12. Means you pressed buttons 1 and 2 what are the possible combinations you can make:

1 has .+@$
2 has abc

So all the possible combinations will be:
Note:We only need to print all the possible combinations arising if we press buttons given in the input string.

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